Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Posterity - Make or Break


As you can see from the date of my last blogpost, I have been so busy eating out such a ridiculous amount of times since moving to New York that I have resultantly lain on the sofa too full to lift a finger and couldn't possible write about everywhere (rubbish excuse). So... I have decided to widen the content of my blog to include anything and everything I find interesting.

For the renaissance launch of Always Room For Pudd, and horribly ironic considering the tragic reason for this post, I want to write about Made by Many's fundraising project - 50/50

The UN have declared the famine in East Africa the worst globally in 60 years. A child is dying every 6 minutes. Made by Many point out that we all know about this totally avoidable catastrophe, but we can't seem to do anything about it. And if we don't do anything, soon we will soon be watching millions of people dying, live from the comfort of our TV and computer screens. Horrific.

Undermined by a belief in being able to harness some good and make a direct intervention in the aid effort, Made by Many's idea was to start 50 projects in 50 days and raise £1 million for famine relief in East Africa.

These projects range from donating 6 minutes of your salary, eating the same amount as an African refugee for 50 days, to auctioning to hangout with a celebrity, and as simple as swearboxes. 

One of the project's initiatives is Posterity; a limited edition series of 'Posters for Good' designed by The Mill's creative faculty and extended network of artistic friends. The artists have responded with topical, worthwhile and personal interpretations of the epidemic. See the collection here. There is an array of beautiful designs that will be printed on 100% cotton rag archival paper with archival print.

What a fantastic way of leveraging digital engagement for a good cause. There are currently 42 projects that have already raised £33K! But there's still a long way to go to help those in desperate need.

I wish the project all the luck in the world.


Friday, 6 May 2011

Hello NYC :)

Wow, hello old friend. It’s been a long time… Naughty blogger. It is my grand plan to revamp Always room for pudd with the dawn of my NYC move. Since I arrived I have eaten out numerous times which is a daily affair for most Manhattanites, so goodbye wallet and waist – eek! The idea is to make the posts snappier (and better!). So here goes to food/fun blogging big apple style…

My favourite place so far has been Rye Restaurant in Williamsburg. It’s in a cool neighbourhood and the whole vibe is pretty hipster. Quite saloon-ish inside, dark paneling, long bar and candle lit tables. The food was AMAZING. Who knew scotch eggs could be so delicious? The menu is fantastically varied, and everything on it was yummy. I would say the appetizers / bar snacks were better than the mains, but my duck with morrocan couscous was great. The boys shared a 60 oz steak between them – check it out! That must have been a big mama cow. We had a delicious Sancerre too which slipped down very easily indeed!

It’s a great place to go with friends for a fun boozy dinner in a relaxed atmosphere. It almost feels like dinner at home with amazing food. Anyway, highly recommend it, and it’s just a hop and a skip from Manhattan so well worth the journey.
